Photos - Chris Bloom Flickr
The beautiful positive side of Durban is inspirational...corner cafes, antique shops, seaside living. I do however, have a fascination with its derelict buildings. Whilst in London I found a book called Derelict London. I discovered it when I was trying to find out more about tavern across from the apartment that I lived in. It turned out to have been The Tidal Basin Tavern. It enthralled me...haunting. I wondered who had gone there for a drink after work. Late nights...sinking their sorrows. Cold, hard, unforgivable London looked like it had given it a fair go. There is a great deal of development going on in that area and I do wonder what its fate will be. Long gone are my London days...but back in Durban my interest in derelict buildings continues. I found these photos on Flickr showing Durban's less inhibited spots and the shadow of a city that once glittered with old world charm. None the less it remains one of my favourite places in the world as it is home after all. To me it still holds an enigma and I think of holidays gone by as a child...kitch carpets and crisp pressed sheets in hotels like the Tropicana. Town might be out of bounds for some, but for me it just offers a richer and more textured view of an ever changing city...inspirational and light in my eyes.