
I am surrounded by boxes and I have even more to fill with my, accessories, books, enough buttons to build a small fort...a never ending list of things I love that we need to move to our new home.  For the past two years Daniel and I have lived in Cleo was our first home together and Daniel proposed to me here.  Tonight is our last night here at Cleo and as I write this post I am waiting for a dear friend who has offered to make us dinner and join us in saying goodbye to a very special flat.  I know I am more sentimental (and silly) than most, but I get attached to places.  

With a slight tear in my eye and a huge smile on my face I step over the threshold of our new home...more space, a new beginning, memories to be made...goodbye Cleo.

The photo is of the view from Cleo...each day a different sunset.