Where did the Cupcakes go?

If you haven't noticed that things have changed around here - well, then I am worried about you....time for glasses perhaps?  I started Cupcake Couture in 2009 on a whim.  I decided to do I heart Market - also on a whim and needed a name in order to sign up.  At the time I really loved cupcakes (I still do) and as you know I had made a point of sampling cake the world over!  I thought it would be a fun name and added the couture part to hint towards the handmade element.  What ended up sprouting from said whim was a career change and a bunch of dreams coming true, but I didn't know what was still to come...  

As things change they need to evolve too and so for quite a while I mulled over the idea of a name change.  I felt that the name, although well-known no longer covered what my business was about, but what a bold leap it would be to change!  Three years of Cupcake Couture, magazine features, people calling me by the name instead of Nadia...the list goes on.  So... I thought and thought and thought and wondered and chatted to family and friends and then I wondered some more.  Through the course of last year I had received an email that basically demanded I give up the name due to another business wanting to use it.  The email was not well received and threw me into even more turmoil.  I thought - who would pick a name that was already spoken for?  All seemed to point towards the need for a change. I couldn't help but ponder even more even after I resolved the name issue.  I kept on thinking of a new name until one day I thought - I have a name...my name!  Ha...simple really and so I put the wheels in motion for a very big change.

I enlisted the help of the talented Fathima from Happiness Is and through exceptional patience and care she assisted me in designing a new logo and tah dah...here we are!  Fathima is part of my team when working with clients on branding and I found it useful taking on the role of the client, for a change. Thank you Fathima and thank you, darling readers for always being here to listen and support me!

I am really happy with the new direction and look of my blog and brand.  I feel that now my business can represent all the varied things I offer creatively!  

New Branding & Packaging Items:
Knot & Bow Tags / Stickers:  I love these!
m.studio Tape and Thank You Stamp:  Both fit in perfectly with the branding.

Thanks for sharing in this rather long story and I hope you like the new look!