With Easter almost upon us and the idea of blissful public holidays and free time a reality, I am feeling really inspired to use the time off to create and craft. I also plan on buying a stack of of magazines to read while sipping Vanilla Chai Latte on the couch. Top of my reading list is MollieMakes and Homes and Antiques (both are worth their price tag). I also have an urge to send packages and take time and joy in wrapping them.
While counting down the working hours before the weekend, I started looking for beautiful inspiration and came across a few amazing reads and blogs.
Feel inspired by these truly delightful sites and visuals and let me know what you will be doing or making this weekend:
Ishtar Olivera: A blog full of amazing photos, lovely diy features and inspiration to drool over.

Inspire Lovely: Both the blog and shop of Debbie Ruiz are exceptional. I have ordered from her before and can really recommend her stationery (plus it is really nicely packaged).

Happy making and relaxing - only a day and a half to go!