Idea Launching & Creativity
I promise I am not obsessed with polka dots or confetti. You might see them being featured quite a bit around here, but they are really integrated into what I am doing right now. I had great fun working on a brand activation for my own business in a bid to share some new services and information about my creative business development studio. I thought it would be nice to share a few of the elements and the the behind the scenes snaps of the creative process. The deliveries included a long kraft
paper box, with a pencil, confetti and an introductory menu of details. It was all topped off with a peg from Peg and Pencil, my business card and twine in my signature black and white. I also did a few more small business card packs.
*Remember to be creative within your own brand and to allow things to serve as inspiration, rather than the exact recipe for implementation. There are so many wonderful ideas surrounding us, let's add to them, rather than water them down. #justsaying