My Best Friend's Wedding
As I mentioned in my Kitchen Tea post it was my best friend Sam's wedding late last year in Cape Town. The wedding was a joyous, drama free day and Sam was the perfect bride. We only had one wobbly in the church where all in the row the bridesmaids sat - tears streaming and tissues fluffing as we tried to keep our make-up in check. We also dealt with our major sadness before the wedding and that was the fact that Sam's beautiful mom - Rita was no longer with us to share the day. Rita passed away a couple of years ago and it shook our world and even more so that of Sam and her family. Stacey, another close friend and I hopped on the next plane to Cape Town and were at Sam's side as we said our goodbyes to Rita. Sam is an exceptionally driven woman, with a heart of gold (she is also little bit bossy) and she left me in awe at her strength through such a difficult time. In ode to Rita I created this locket (above) for Sam's bouquet to carry with her through the day and all the way down the aisle. It was a labour of love and I sourced the locket from Bazaar in Musgrave Centre and used vintage buttons to add a bit of 'something old'. This was Stacey and my wedding gift to Sam and we felt it was perfectly suited for her to wear after the wedding or to frame.
Despite being creative it was great to only have a few making related jobs for the wedding - that way the stress was less and I got to be in the moment rather than dashing around adding creative touches. I helped to decorate the hangers for our dresses and wrapped the bridesmaid gifts. I also helped source the buttons for the place settings. Adding a bag of buttons to my luggage was nothing new.
One of the best parts of the day was the customised ice-creams that they served between the service and the reception. Stacey and I beelined to get one after the photos as we had already decided if we missed out we would kill or take someone else's! You might not know this about me, but I am really clumsy and I always, ALWAYS mess food, drinks, bolognaise, red wine, chocolate etc (you get the picture) on myself. I also have a silent war on the go with those lids that go on takeaway coffee cups - trust me to have the leaky, dribbly one (every time). Anyway - the reason for this elaborate description is because I decided to try the chocolate ice cream, no not the pale one, but the drippy, delicious, brown (stain worthy) chocolate. I ate carefully, but managed to have a long stream of ice cream down my minty dress just as a crowd of people turned to look at me - their eyes the size of saucers. I gracefully excused myself and Stacey accompanied me (rushed) to the ladies room to wash my dress. All was fine and it came out perfectly, but it was hilarious none the less and so typical of me!

To see more of the
details, photos and a list of the vendors visit Southbound Bride for
the credits and info. You will also spot the plate breaking that took place -
it's dangerous (mine flung across the room frisbee style and Daniel just shook
his head), but super fun!