In between my 'real work' - I still love to get creative when I can. It's been a productive and busy couple of months on the consulting and business workshop side. It's still very important to make time for making as I believe it keeps the creative mind inspired.
If you find that your hobby has changed into your business then I want to urge you to make time to do something small for your own creativity. We start out on the journey of creative business to shake off the shackles of corporate life or to create a world in which we can be the BOSS LADY. Along the line our passion, sideline or hobby turns into our full-time job. Essentially it's perfect... what could be better than doing what you love each day? The only thing is... it becomes WORK, no matter what. We lose a sense of direction or even innovative thinking when we don't create just for the fun of it.
You will see there are some wonderful business women out there who understand this concept. Two awesome local examples:
Fathima of Happiness Is and her 'doodle a day' series on Instagram. Fathima is one busy boss lady, but she is also a wonderful illustrator. This project allows her to dedicate time to creativity that isn't related to her work, yet encourages innovative thinking.
Heather Moore's 'Making Friday' is no secret and it's explored in one of her latest blog posts. It's a great way to free up time to focus on just doing something for the sake of enjoyment.
I recently also read this great article which shares why routine and creativity need to work in unison. Fantastic inspiration and insight which explores the routines of several very famous creative minds.
If you find that your hobby has changed into your business then I want to urge you to make time to do something small for your own creativity. We start out on the journey of creative business to shake off the shackles of corporate life or to create a world in which we can be the BOSS LADY. Along the line our passion, sideline or hobby turns into our full-time job. Essentially it's perfect... what could be better than doing what you love each day? The only thing is... it becomes WORK, no matter what. We lose a sense of direction or even innovative thinking when we don't create just for the fun of it.
You will see there are some wonderful business women out there who understand this concept. Two awesome local examples:
Fathima of Happiness Is and her 'doodle a day' series on Instagram. Fathima is one busy boss lady, but she is also a wonderful illustrator. This project allows her to dedicate time to creativity that isn't related to her work, yet encourages innovative thinking.
Heather Moore's 'Making Friday' is no secret and it's explored in one of her latest blog posts. It's a great way to free up time to focus on just doing something for the sake of enjoyment.
I recently also read this great article which shares why routine and creativity need to work in unison. Fantastic inspiration and insight which explores the routines of several very famous creative minds.

My own example...
This little gift was truly a labour of love and it took ages to finish. It was one of those things that I would work on when I got a gap. It offered an escape slotted in between deadlines and emails, just a happy ten minutes now and again.
I used an old watch that I found at a second-hand shop and removed the strap. Gold ribbon from Ebony & Ivory formed the base of the watch fob concept. The buttons are vintage paired with bird washi tape, which I varnished onto the button so it would stay put. Lastly I sewed on a brooch back and then I finished it off with a strip of gold leather which folds over the back. The envelope is decorated to compliment the gift. Plenty of love and care went into this and I do hope that it's enjoyed and worn with pride. I hope to make more time for creating gifts and making, it gives my business orientated mind a little holiday leaving me refreshed and focused once more.