Piles of paperwork, hours and hours of (wo)man power, a gazillion emails, countless more hours, lists... so many lists and then finally a PARTY! It might sound like hard work and that's because it is. I will tell you this though... I do it with LOVE and the Etsy Party brings me an abundance of joy and the ability to share craft and creativity with so many enthusiasts. In-between party organising there are also countless positive remarks, kindness, sharing, connecting and a coming together of happy people. That in itself is gift enough. My happiest moment is when I get to look at the photos shared online by the attendees and the cherry on the cake are the professional pics which showcase the event in all its glory. This year the wonderfully, awesome Eileen of Brightgirl was kind enough to capture the night and how grateful I am to her! She did a beautiful job - don't you agree?

Every year I think “this year’s Etsy Party was the best”. Okay, but really this year’s Etsy Party was the best one to date. Each year I get to improve it through the lessons learnt from the previous parties. Etsy was very gracious this year in giving a few possible date options and no set theme... opening up endless possibilities. I was fortunate in being able to partner with Terry Angelos once again and hosted the event at her beautifully curated shop – Anthology. She was a gracious host and further assisted with useful insight and extra tips for making the party as successful as possible. The key ingredient for the Etsy Party is... people, of course.. It’s the heart and soul of real connection, trust, sharing, kindness and generosity.
Let's delve in and experience the night! Etsy HQ were very flexible in allowing us to select the theme. I decided to rope in Fathima Kathrada, illustrator, graphic designer and all round cool gal to teach the attendees hand lettering with watercolour. An on-trend, but also useful and fun DIY.
Tickets sold out in record time and in emailing sponsors and connecting with them I was blown away by how truly giving fellow creative business owners can be! Just another reason why I am able to organise the party in the first place.
What a delightful batch of brands, creatives and all-round amazing people. Thank you so much for taking part and spoiling the attendees. I am beyond grateful! THANK YOU!
A heartfelt and HUGE thank you to...
Terry Angelos & the amazing ladies who work with her
Lizzie Masters
MY Gourmet - Khutso Nhlanhla Masethe & his lovely team member
Click below to visit the online homes of these inspired brands...
Glass of Wine